The Orders resource enables you to interact with the orders of your stores.
Due to expansion and improvements, new endpoints or resources have been introduced that expand the capabilities for interacting with various item and store order options. Because of these advancements, this section is now divided into two distinct parts, each with its own List of Country Domains. It's essential to note that the current order section remains fully operational and contains the traditional resources that have previously handled the established order options.
The following table describes the different contents of the Orders resource:
Resource | Description |
GET orders | Returns a list of new orders created. |
GET orders/status/sent | Returns a list of new orders created in SENT . |
PUT orders/{orderId}/take/{cookingTime} | Takes an order to commence preparation. |
PUT orders/{orderId}/reject | Rejects an order. |
POST orders/{orderId}/ready-for-pickup | Confirms that the order is ready for pickup. |
GET orders/{orderId}/events | Returns the latest events from the orders. |
GET orders
Use this endpoint to return a collection of all the new orders for the stores of the authenticating ally.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following optional additional parameters:
Parameter | Description |
{storeId} | Returns only the orders from a specific store |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
GET https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL("https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders"); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
[ { "order_detail": { "order_id": "392625", "delivery_operation_type": "regular", "cooking_time": 10, "min_cooking_time": 5, "max_cooking_time": 20, "created_at": "2019-04-10T11:12:57.000Z", "delivery_method": "delivery", "payment_method": "cc", "delivery_information": { "city": "Ciudad de México", "complete_address": "Nombre de la calle 5050. Barrio. 12345. Ciudad De México", "street_number": "5050", "neighborhood": "Barrio", "complement": "Portón verde", "postal_code": "12345", "street_name": "Nombre de la calle" }, "billing_information": { "address": "148 Davis Court", "billing_type": "Bill", "document_number": "32432342", "document_type": "DNI", "email": "client@gmail.com", "name": "John Doe", "phone": "43333222" }, "totals": { "total_products": 204000, "total_discounts": 173685, "total_order": 204180, "total_to_pay": 0, "discount_by_support": 0, "charges": { "shipping": 50, "service_fee": 100 }, "other_totals": { "tip": 30, "total_rappi_pay": 0, "total_rappi_credits": 0 } }, "items": [ { "sku": "1234", "id": "2089918083", "name": "Chicken and Apple Salad", "type": "PRODUCT", "comments": "No vinegar", "price": 28900, "quantity": 3, "subitems": [ { "sku": "11", "id": "10005260", "name": "Burrata Cheese", "type": "TOPPING", "price": 13500, "quantity": 1 } ] }, { "id": "2089918082", "name": "Seafood Salad", "comments": "", "price": 34900, "quantity": 2, "subitems": [ { "id": "9928277", "name": "With white vinaigrette", "price": 0, "quantity": 1 }, { "id": "10005257", "name": "Ricotta Cheese", "price": 3500, "quantity": 1 } ] } ], "delivery_discount": { "total_percentage_discount": 100, "total_value_discount": 50 }, "discounts": [ { "value": 7600, "description": "Envío gratis", "title": "Envío gratis", "product_id": null, "sku": null, "type": "shipping", "raw_value": 100, "value_type": "percentage", "max_value": null, "includes_toppings": false, "percentage_by_rappi": 100, "percentage_by_partners": 0, "amount_by_rappi": 7600, "amount_by_partner": 0, "discount_product_units": 0, "discount_product_unit_value": null }, { "value": 100, "description": "Disfruta de 20% de descuento en productos seleccionados.", "title": "Disfruta de 20% de descuento en productos seleccionados.", "product_id": 2089918082, "sku": 2089918082, "type": "offer_by_product", "raw_value": 20, "value_type": "percentage", "max_value": null, "includes_toppings": false, "percentage_by_rappi": 0, "percentage_by_partners": 100, "amount_by_rappi": 0, "amount_by_partner": 100, "discount_product_units": 1, "discount_product_unit_value": 100 } ] }, "customer": { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "phone_number": "3163535", "document_number": "34545678", "user_type": "USER_VIP" }, "store": { "internal_id": "30000011", "external_id": "123445", "name": "Store 1" } } ]
This table describes the objects contained in the response example:
Response Object | Object Description |
order_detail array of objects | Properties of the details of the order. |
order_detail.order_id string | Order identifier. |
order_detail.develivey_operation_type string | Identifier for the order type: turbo type or regular type. |
order_detail.coooking_time integer | Cooking time estimated for the preparation of the order. |
order_detail.min_cooking_time integer | Minimum cooking time in minutes set for this order. |
order_detail.max_cooking_time integer | Maximum cooking time in minutes set for this order. |
order_detail.created_at string | Creation date of the order. |
order_detail.delivery_method string, enumerable | Delivery method set for this order. Options available: delivery ,marketplace , pickup . |
order_detail.payment_method string, enumerable | Payment method set for this order. Options available: rappi_pay , cc , cash , paypal , edenred , webpay , masterpass , dc , pos_terminal , elo , sodexo , vale_r , ticket_r , alelo , visa_checkout ,google_pay , apple_pay , rappicorp , PSE , PIX , unknown . (You have to consider, Rappi frequently includes new payment methods, so this list may vary through time and isn't needs to be validated.) |
order_detail.delivery_information object | Properties of the delivery information. |
order_detail.delivery_information.city string | City of the delivery address. |
order_detail.delivery_information.complete_address string | Delivery address with all the fields |
order_detail.delivery_information.street_number string | Number of the street. |
order_detail.delivery_information.neighborhood string | Neighborhood of the address. |
order_detail.delivery_information.complement string | Additional information of the address. |
order_detail.delivery_information.postal_code string | Postal code of the address |
order_detail.delivery_information.street_name string | Street name of the address. |
order_detail.billing_information array of objects | Properties of the billing information. |
order_detail.billing_information.address string | Delivery address set for this order. |
order_detail.billing_information.billing_type string | Billing type set for this order. |
order_detail.billing_information.document_number string | Document number of the customer. |
order_detail.billing_information.document_type string | Document type of the customer. |
order_detail.billing_information.email string | Email set to receive billing information. |
order_detail.billing_information.name string | Name set for the billing information. |
order_detail.billing_information.phone string | Phone number set for the billing information. |
order_detail.totals array of objects | Properties of the totals of the order. |
order_detail.totals.total_products integer | Total products without discounts. |
order_detail.totals.total_discounts integer | Total products without discount in the order. |
order_detail.totals.total_order integer | The total amount that the restaurant receives. When the delivery method is marketplace this field includes tip and delivery fee.For other delivery methods, this field contains only the total value of all products. In all cases, this field includes the discounts assumed by the restaurant. |
order_detail.totals.total_to_pay integer | Total that the user pays in cash to the courier. Only applies when the delivery method is marketplace or pickup , and the payment method is cash . |
order_detail.totals.discount_by_support integer | Discount applied to the customer by the Rappi support team. |
order_detail.totals.charges array of objects | Properties of the order additional charges. |
order_detail.totals.charges.shipping integer | Shipping charges total. |
order_detail.totals.charges.service_fee integer | Rappi service fee charges |
order_detail.totals.other_totals array of objects | Other charges included in this order. |
order_detail.totals.other_totals.tip integer | Tip for the courier. |
order_detail.totals.other_totals.total_rappi_pay integer | Total paid using Rappi Pay. |
order_detail.totals.othet_totals.total_rappi_credits integer | Total paid using Rappi Credits. |
order_detail.items array of objects | Properties of the items the order contains. |
order_detail.items.sku string | SKU for the item in the order. The ally grants their own SKU to the item. |
order_detail.items.id string | Identifier of the item in the order. |
order_detail.items.name string | Name of the item in the order. |
order_detail.items.type string, enumerable | Type of the item. Options available: product , or topping . |
order_detail.items.comments array | User comments for the items in the order. |
order_detail.items.price integer | Unit price for the item without the discount. |
order_detail.items.percentage_discount integer | Discount percentage of the item in the order. |
order_detail.items.quantity integer | Quantity specified for this item in the order. |
order_detail.items.subitems array of objects | Properties of subitems in the order. |
order_detail.items.subitems.sku string | SKU for the subitem in the menu. The ally grants their own SKU to the item. |
order_detail.items.subitems.id string | The identifier that Rappi grants the item. |
order_detail.items.subitems.name string | Name of the subitem in the order. |
order_detail.items.subitems.type string, enumerable | Type of the subitem in the order. Options available: product , or topping . |
order_detail.items.subitems.price integer | Unit price for the subitem without the discount. |
order_detail.items.subitems.pencentage_discount integer | Discount percentage of the subitem in the order. |
order_detail.items.subitems.quantity integer | Quantity specified for this subitem in the order. |
order_detail.delivery_discount integer | Properties of the discounts in the delivery of the order. |
order_detail.delivery_discount.total_percentage_discount integer | Discount percentage in the delivery of the order. |
order_detail.delivery_discount.total_value_discount integer | Total amount of the delivery discount. |
order_detail.customer array of objects | Properties of the Rappi user that places the order. Only sent when delivery method is marketplace or if you request Rappi to receive this data. |
order_detail.customer.first_name string | First name of the Rappi user that places the order. |
order_detail.customer.last_name string | Last name of the Rappi user that places the order. |
order_detail.customer.phone_number string | Phone number of the Rappi user that places the order. |
order_detail.customer.document_number string | Document number of the Rappi user that places the order. |
order_detail.customer.user_type string | If the user is VIP the value is USER_VIP . For other users this field is not sent. |
order_detail.store array of objects | Properties of the store that prepares the order. |
order_detail.store.internal_id string | Internal identifier that Rappi grants the store. |
order_detail.store.external_id string | Integration identifier of the store. |
order_detail.store.name string | Name of the store that prepares the order. |
order_detail.discounts.value integer | Discount value in currency. |
order_detail.discounts.description string | Descriptive message explaining the discount. |
order_detail.discounts.title string | Discount name. |
order_detail.discounts.product_id integer | Product ID if the discount applies product. |
order_detail.discounts.sku string | SKU of the product if the discount applies product. |
order_detail.discounts.type string | Indicates the discount type. |
order_detail.discounts.raw_value integer | The discount value can represent a percentage or a currency value depending on the type_value . |
order_detail.discounts.value_type string, enumerable | The value type of the discount. Available options: value , percentage . |
order_detail.discounts.max_value integer | Maximum value in currency to be discounted. |
order_detail.discounts.includes_toppings boolean | Indicates if the discount is subtracted from the product total with toppings or not. |
order_detail.discounts.percentage_by_rappi integer | The percentage of the discount assumed by Rappi. |
order_detail.discounts.percentage_by_partners integer | The percentage of the discount assumed by the partner. |
order_detail.discounts.amount_by_rappi integer | Value of the discount in currency assumed by Rappi. |
order_detail.discounts.amount_by_partner integer | Value of the discount in currency assumed by the partner. |
order_detail.discounts.discount_product_units integer | Number of products to which the discount was applied. |
order_detail.discounts.discount_product_unit_value integer | Discount value per product unit. |
GET orders status sent
Use this endpoint to return a collection of all the new orders status SENT
for the stores of the authenticating ally.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following optional additional parameters:
Parameter | Description |
{storeId} | Returns only the orders from a specific store |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
GET https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/status/sent
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL("https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/status/sent"); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
[ { "order_detail": { "order_id": "392625", "delivery_operation_type": "turbo", "cooking_time": 10, "min_cooking_time": 5, "max_cooking_time": 20, "created_at": "2019-04-10T11:12:57.000Z", "delivery_method": "delivery", "payment_method": "cc", "delivery_information": { "city": "Ciudad de México", "complete_address": "Nombre de la calle 5050. Barrio. 12345. Ciudad De México", "street_number": "5050", "neighborhood": "Barrio", "complement": "Portón verde", "postal_code": "12345", "street_name": "Nombre de la calle" }, "billing_information": { "address": "148 Davis Court", "billing_type": "Bill", "document_number": "32432342", "document_type": "DNI", "email": "client@gmail.com", "name": "John Doe", "phone": "43333222" }, "totals": { "total_products": 204000, "total_discounts": 173685, "total_order": 204180, "total_to_pay": 0, "discount_by_support": 0, "charges": { "shipping": 50, "service_fee": 100 }, "other_totals": { "tip": 30, "total_rappi_pay": 0, "total_rappi_credits": 0 } }, "items": [ { "sku": "1234", "id": "2089918083", "name": "Chicken and Apple Salad", "type": "PRODUCT", "comments": "No vinegar", "price": 28900, "quantity": 3, "subitems": [ { "sku": "11", "id": "10005260", "name": "Burrata Cheese", "type": "TOPPING", "price": 13500, "quantity": 1 } ] }, { "id": "2089918082", "name": "Seafood Salad", "comments": "", "price": 34900, "quantity": 2, "subitems": [ { "id": "9928277", "name": "With white vinaigrette", "price": 0, "quantity": 1 }, { "id": "10005257", "name": "Ricotta Cheese", "price": 3500, "quantity": 1 } ] } ], "delivery_discount": { "total_percentage_discount": 100, "total_value_discount": 50 }, "discounts": [ { "value": 7600, "description": "Envío gratis", "title": "Envío gratis", "product_id": null, "sku": null, "type": "shipping", "raw_value": 100, "value_type": "percentage", "max_value": null, "includes_toppings": false, "percentage_by_rappi": 100, "percentage_by_partners": 0, "amount_by_rappi": 7600, "amount_by_partner": 0, "discount_product_units": 0, "discount_product_unit_value": null }, { "value": 100, "description": "Disfruta de 20% de descuento en productos seleccionados.", "title": "Disfruta de 20% de descuento en productos seleccionados.", "product_id": 2089918082, "sku": 2089918082, "type": "offer_by_product", "raw_value": 20, "value_type": "percentage", "max_value": null, "includes_toppings": false, "percentage_by_rappi": 0, "percentage_by_partners": 100, "amount_by_rappi": 0, "amount_by_partner": 100, "discount_product_units": 1, "discount_product_unit_value": 100 } ] }, "customer": { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "phone_number": "3163535", "document_number": "34545678", "user_type": "USER_VIP" }, "store": { "internal_id": "30000011", "external_id": "123445", "name": "Store 1" } } ]
This table describes the objects contained in the response example:
Response Object | Object Description |
order_detail array of objects | Properties of the details of the order. |
order_detail.order_id string | Order identifier. |
order_detail.develivey_operation_type string | Identifier for the order type: turbo type or regular type. |
order_detail.coooking_time integer | Cooking time estimated for the preparation of the order. |
order_detail.min_cooking_time integer | Minimum cooking time in minutes set for this order. |
order_detail.max_cooking_time integer | Maximum cooking time in minutes set for this order. |
order_detail.created_at string | Creation date of the order. |
order_detail.delivery_method string, enumerable | Delivery method set for this order. Options available: delivery ,marketplace , pickup . |
order_detail.payment_method string, enumerable | Payment method set for this order. Options available: rappi_pay , cc , cash , paypal , edenred , webpay , masterpass , dc , pos_terminal , elo , sodexo , vale_r , ticket_r , alelo , visa_checkout ,google_pay , apple_pay , rappicorp , PSE , PIX , unknown . |
order_detail.delivery_information object | Properties of the delivery information. |
order_detail.delivery_information.city string | City of the delivery address. |
order_detail.delivery_information.complete_address string | Delivery address with all the fields |
order_detail.delivery_information.street_number string | Number of the street. |
order_detail.delivery_information.neighborhood string | Neighborhood of the address. |
order_detail.delivery_information.complement string | Additional information of the address. |
order_detail.delivery_information.postal_code string | Postal code of the address |
order_detail.delivery_information.street_name string | Street name of the address. |
order_detail.billing_information array of objects | Properties of the billing information. |
order_detail.billing_information.address string | Delivery address set for this order. |
order_detail.billing_information.billing_type string | Billing type set for this order. |
order_detail.billing_information.document_number string | Document number of the customer. |
order_detail.billing_information.document_type string | Document type of the customer. |
order_detail.billing_information.email string | Email set to receive billing information. |
order_detail.billing_information.name string | Name set for the billing information. |
order_detail.billing_information.phone string | Phone number set for the billing information. |
order_detail.totals array of objects | Properties of the totals of the order. |
order_detail.totals.total_products integer | Total products without discounts. |
order_detail.totals.total_discounts integer | Total products without discount in the order. |
order_detail.totals.total_order integer | The total amount that the restaurant receives. When the delivery method is marketplace this field includes tip and delivery fee.For other delivery methods, this field contains only the total value of all products. In all cases, this field includes the discounts assumed by the restaurant. |
order_detail.totals.total_to_pay integer | Total that the user pays in cash to the courier. Only applies when the delivery method is marketplace or pickup , and the payment method is cash . |
order_detail.totals.discount_by_support integer | Discount applied to the customer by the Rappi support team. |
order_detail.totals.charges array of objects | Properties of the order additional charges. |
order_detail.totals.charges.shipping integer | Shipping charges total. |
order_detail.totals.charges.service_fee integer | Rappi service fee charges |
order_detail.totals.other_totals array of objects | Other charges included in this order. |
order_detail.totals.other_totals.tip integer | Tip for the courier. |
order_detail.totals.other_totals.total_rappi_pay integer | Total paid using Rappi Pay. |
order_detail.totals.othet_totals.total_rappi_credits integer | Total paid using Rappi Credits. |
order_detail.items array of objects | Properties of the items the order contains. |
order_detail.items.sku string | SKU for the item in the order. The ally grants their own SKU to the item. |
order_detail.items.id string | Identifier of the item in the order. |
order_detail.items.name string | Name of the item in the order. |
order_detail.items.type string, enumerable | Type of the item. Options available: product , or topping . |
order_detail.items.comments array | User comments for the items in the order. |
order_detail.items.price integer | Unit price for the item without the discount. |
order_detail.items.percentage_discount integer | Discount percentage of the item in the order. |
order_detail.items.quantity integer | Quantity specified for this item in the order. |
order_detail.items.subitems array of objects | Properties of subitems in the order. |
order_detail.items.subitems.sku string | SKU for the subitem in the menu. The ally grants their own SKU to the item. |
order_detail.items.subitems.id string | The identifier that Rappi grants the item. |
order_detail.items.subitems.name string | Name of the subitem in the order. |
order_detail.items.subitems.type string, enumerable | Type of the subitem in the order. Options available: product , or topping . |
order_detail.items.subitems.price integer | Unit price for the subitem without the discount. |
order_detail.items.subitems.pencentage_discount integer | Discount percentage of the subitem in the order. |
order_detail.items.subitems.quantity integer | Quantity specified for this subitem in the order. |
order_detail.delivery_discount integer | Properties of the discounts in the delivery of the order. |
order_detail.delivery_discount.total_percentage_discount integer | Discount percentage in the delivery of the order. |
order_detail.delivery_discount.total_value_discount integer | Total amount of the delivery discount. |
order_detail.customer array of objects | Properties of the Rappi user that places the order. Only sent when delivery method is marketplace or if you request Rappi to receive this data. |
order_detail.customer.first_name string | First name of the Rappi user that places the order. |
order_detail.customer.last_name string | Last name of the Rappi user that places the order. |
order_detail.customer.phone_number string | Phone number of the Rappi user that places the order. |
order_detail.customer.document_number string | Document number of the Rappi user that places the order. |
order_detail.customer.user_type string | If the user is VIP the value is USER_VIP . For other users this field is not sent. |
order_detail.store array of objects | Properties of the store that prepares the order. |
order_detail.store.internal_id string | Internal identifier that Rappi grants the store. |
order_detail.store.external_id string | Integration identifier of the store. |
order_detail.store.name string | Name of the store that prepares the order. |
order_detail.discounts.value integer | Discount value in currency. |
order_detail.discounts.description string | Descriptive message explaining the discount. |
order_detail.discounts.title string | Discount name. |
order_detail.discounts.product_id integer | Product ID if the discount applies product. |
order_detail.discounts.sku string | SKU of the product if the discount applies product. |
order_detail.discounts.type string | Indicates the discount type. |
order_detail.discounts.raw_value integer | The discount value can represent a percentage or a currency value depending on the type_value . |
order_detail.discounts.value_type string, enumerable | The value type of the discount. Available options: value , percentage . |
order_detail.discounts.max_value integer | Maximum value in currency to be discounted. |
order_detail.discounts.includes_toppings boolean | Indicates if the discount is subtracted from the product total with toppings or not. |
order_detail.discounts.percentage_by_rappi integer | The percentage of the discount assumed by Rappi. |
order_detail.discounts.percentage_by_partners integer | The percentage of the discount assumed by the partner. |
order_detail.discounts.amount_by_rappi integer | Value of the discount in currency assumed by Rappi. |
order_detail.discounts.amount_by_partner integer | Value of the discount in currency assumed by the partner. |
order_detail.discounts.discount_product_units integer | Number of products to which the discount was applied. |
order_detail.discounts.discount_product_unit_value integer | Discount value per product unit. |
PUT orders/{orderId}/take/{cookingTime}
Use this endpoint to take an order, so the store commences preparing it.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.{orderId}
: This is the identifier of the order.{cookingTime}
: This is the new cooking time of the order. You can leave this field empty to keep the default cooking time of the order.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint does not permit additional parameters.
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
PUT https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/392625/take/20
this is an example of the request:
final Integer orderId = 392625; final Integer cookingTime = 20; URL url = new URL(String.format("https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/%s/take/%s", orderId, cookingTime)); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("PUT"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); connection.setDoOutput(true); System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This endpoint returns a status response code only.
PUT orders/{orderId}/reject
Use this endpoint to reject an order.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.{orderId}
: This is the identifier of the order.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Request body requirements | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
Name | Requirement | Description |
orderId string | required | Rejects a specific order. |
items_ids array of string | optional | List of offending items ids. Here you should use the rappi ids |
items_skus array of string | optional | List of offending items skus. Here you should use your skus |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
PUT https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/392625/reject
This is an example of the request:
{ "reason": "The order has invalid items" }
This is an example of the request with offending items:
{ "reason": "The order has invalid items", "cancel_type": "ITEM_NOT_FOUND", "items_skus": ["sku1", "sku2"] }
final Integer orderId = 3320025; URL url = new URL(String.format("https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/%s/reject", orderId)); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("PUT"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); connection.setDoOutput(true); String jsonInputString = "{\"reason\":\"The order has invalid items\"}"; try (OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream()) { byte[] input = jsonInputString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); os.write(input, 0, input.length); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
This table describes the attributes that the JSON
of your request requires:
Attributes | Requirement | Description |
reason string | required | Reason to reject the order |
Sample Response
This endpoint returns a status response code only.
POST orders/{orderId}/ready-for-pickup
Use this endpoint to notify the courier in the Rappi application that the order is ready for pickup. When the first request is made, if no courier is assigned, the system will speed up the assignment process; if a courier is already assigned, a notification will be sent to them, and the order status will change to READY_FOR_PICKUP. On the second request, if a courier is already assigned, a new notification will be sent to the assigned courier.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.{orderId}
: This is the identifier of your order.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint does not permit additional parameters.
To prevent misuse of the endpoint, we reserve the right to revoke access to clients who use it improperly. Therefore, after three requests, the system will stop executing additional actions, and any further attempts will be considered improper use of the endpoint.
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
POST https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/392625/ready-for-pickup
This is an example of the request:
final Integer orderId = 392625; URL url = new URL(String.format("https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/%s/ready-for-pickup", orderId)); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This endpoint returns a status response code only.
GET orders/{orderId}/events
Use this endpoint to retrieve the latest status updates from your orders.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.{orderId}
: This is the identifier of your order.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
GET https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/392625/events
This is an example of the request:
final Integer orderId = 392625; URL url = new URL(String.format("https://microservices.dev.rappi.com/api/v2/restaurants-integrations-public-api/orders/%s/events", orderId)); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
[ { "event": "canceled_with_charge", "event_time": "2020-05-28T12:31:12.501Z", "additional_information": {} }, { "event": "taken_visible_order", "event_time": "2020-05-28T12:30:12.501Z", "additional_information": { "eta_to_store": "15" } } ]
This table describes the objects contained in the response example:
Response Object | Object Description |
event string | Latest order event. |
event_time string | Time of the event. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'. |
additional_information array of objects | Additional information for the order. The format can vary depending on the event. |
additional_information.eta_to_store string | Courier estimated time of arrival to the store. |